

Generate Website Traffic with Keyword Hero

Generate Website Traffic

Keyword Hero | Generate Website Traffic | Organic Traffic | SEO

Generate Website Traffic

Keyword Hero enables you to comprehend the top search terms that generate website traffic if you utilize Google Analytics for organic analytics, which is the case for many of us.


  1. You most likely see results in GA under a search console with “(not given),” as I’m sure, many GA users are aware of. Well, a lot of that data can be found with the use of this program. Not all of it, but it could be enough.
  2. Although you can always use GSC for organic analysis, this tool combines all the data from GA and enables you to discover which keywords and search intents people use to find your website. This can support your on-page optimization and content marketing efforts to increase conversions.
  3. The setup process just takes a few minutes. Recommended by many influential people in the field.

How It Works

    Search keywords are statistically matched to your sessions and clustered using massively parallel, cloud-based AI/ML algorithms. That is the hidden brain of the Keyword Hero; learn more here.
    You may analyze your new data set in a familiar environment using Keyword Hero, which uploads the data back to a fresh Google Analytics property without affecting your previous data. Search keywords are statistically matched to your sessions and clustered using massively parallel, cloud-based AI/ML algorithms. That is the hidden brain of the Keyword Hero; learn more here.
    You may analyze your new data set in a familiar environment using Keyword Hero, which uploads the data back to a fresh Google Analytics property without affecting your previous data.


Plans start at $9 a month for up to 10,000 sessions, making them affordable for users of all skill levels. To get more session analysis, you must subscribe to a more expensive subscription. There is also a fantastic 90-day free trial period.

The Verdict to Generate Website Traffic

Match your traffic’s keywords with the sessions in Google Analytics. The Keyword Hero gets rid of (not provided). See what your users googled to get to you.

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