Heirloom is restoring balance to the atmosphere by removing CO2 by 2035. They engineer the world’s most cost-effective direct air capture solution.
Circular Basic Chemicals: Recycled by Ercina
Encina is implementing a scalable, long-term solution to create circular basic chemicals to use in the goods that consumers and industry rely on.
The Breakthrough in Clean Energy Technology | Perch
At Perch Energy, they are on a mission to make clean energy technology more accessible, more affordable, and more equitable for all.
Recycle Packaging with your mobile | Sweden | Bower
Bower has developed an app that enables consumers to receive a deposit value when they recycle packaging at regular recycling stations.
Clean Crop Tech – The Next Generation in Food Safety
Clean Crop Tech helps feed the world without burning it down through catalyst technology that boosts yields, improves food safety, and reduces food waste.
Clean Energy and Green Hydrogen with H2U Technologies
H2UTechnologies -Co-founded by Motus Ventures and H2U Chief Scientific Advisor, Dr Nathan Lewis-George L. Argyros Professor of Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology and founding Director and Scientific Director of JCAP (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis)/
Cal Tech…clean energy